PurePlus® 0.1 mL Real Time 8-Well PCR Tube Strips with White Wells and Optically Clear Attached Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 8-Well PCR Tube Strips with Individually Attached Bubble Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 8-Well PCR Tube Strips with Attached Bubble Cap Strips, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 8-Well PCR Tube Strips with Individually Attached Clear Flat Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.1 mL 8-Well Low Profile PCR Tube Strips with Individually Attached Clear Flat Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 8-Well PCR Tube Strips with Attached Clear Flat Cap Strips, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 8-Well PCR Tube Strips, in Bags
PurePlus® 8-Well PCR Tube Strip Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 8-Well PCR Tube Strips and Strip Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 0.2 mL 12-Well PCR Tube Strips, in Bags
PurePlus® 8-Well Optically Clear Real Time PCR Tube Strip Caps, in Bags
PurePlus® 12-Well PCR Tube Strip Caps, in Bags